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We are a blog forum, our blogs contain memes,

our meme topics include:


childfree, adoption/fostering/respite care,

reproductive health & education, population stats,

death with dignity, quality over quantity,

antinatalism/antinatalist, love for animals, choice,  

nihilism, & environmental topics

Antinatalist, Antinatalism, Anti-Procreation
Founded/Created in 2011




Update 1-15-25:
It's been a lot of hard work, but I knew when I started this that there had to be others who felt similar as me. Personally, I've never wanted to have children, and I wouldn't mind if the world ended completely today! I've never been one of these life fanatics. So I created this page! Hoping we'll focus more on life quality rather than life quantity. Hoping to let others know there's alternative options to bio births, such as adoption/fostering and also the fantastic option of remaining childfree. To help educate responsible reproductive health options. To encourage healthy end of life options. To throw in a bit of kute animal happiness on occasion! And to help others know they aren't alone in their thoughts like how I felt. We have over 22,000 members and I'm humbled! This is my family, this is my home, and I love everyone on here! So this page is created in pain and love. We are not alone!
~ EB, Creator of AAP


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